2018 Speakers Backup

Diane Brown, DVM, Ph.D., DACVP,  CEO, AKC Canine Health Foundation (AKCCHF) and holds an affiliate faculty position in the Department of Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. An independent investigator and comparative pathologist, Dr. Brown was a faculty member at Harvard Medical School, director of the Comparative Clinical Pathology Laboratory at Massachusetts General Hospital, and consulting pathologist at the University of Colorado. Her prior affiliate faculty appointments at veterinary schools include Tufts, Colorado State University (where she earned a DVM and Ph.D. in pathology), and Purdue University. Dr. Brown served as the chief scientific officer for Morris Animal Foundation and, in the corporate world, was senior pathologist at Lilly Research Laboratories for Eli Lilly and Company.
Jeffrey Bryan, DVM, MS, Ph.D., ACVIM, earned a Bachelor of Science degree in veterinary science from the University of California–Davis in 1991. He received his DV. from the University of California–Davis in 1993. He worked as an Associate Veterinarian from 1993–1995 and served as Medical Director from 1995–2002 of the Irving Street Veterinary Hospital in San Francisco, CA.  Bryan then completed a medical oncology residency, a Master’s of Biomedical Sciences, and a Ph.D. in Pathobiology at the University of Missouri.  He received certification by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine in Oncology 2005.  He is the Director of the Tom and Betty Scott Endowed Program in Veterinary Oncology, the Comparative Oncology Radiobiology and Epigenetics Laboratory, and the PET Imaging Center of the University of Missouri.  Dr. Bryan’s research focuses on the comparative examination of cancers in companion animals to better understand cancers in all species. His particular areas of interest are targeted imaging and therapy and epigenetics of cancer.
Cindy Buckmaster, Ph.D., CMAR, RLATG, is the Director of the Center for Comparative Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine. Her involvement in the lab animal community spans a wide range of educational, advocacy, and public outreach organizations. Dr. Buckmaster is an author for the public outreach column in the Lab Animal journal, a member of the NAIA Board of Directors, Chair of Americans for Medical Progress, President of the Texas Society for Biomedical Research, Past President of the Laboratory Animal Welfare Training Exchange, and Past President of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science. She holds a Master’s Degree in Science Education and a Ph.D. in Neurobiology and Behavior.
Charlene Couch, Ph.D., is the Technical Program Coordinator for The Livestock Conservancy, a non-profit organization whose mission is to protect endangered breeds of livestock and poultry from extinction. Charlene has a keen interest in conservation of genetic diversity in livestock and is currently focused on horse and pig initiatives. She grew up on a small farm in Western North Carolina with horses, beef cattle, goats, and chickens, and received undergraduate and graduate degrees in Biology from the University of North Carolina and Virginia Commonwealth University, respectively. Charlene’s doctoral degree is in Zoology with a heavy emphasis on population and quantitative genetics. At home on the farm, she keeps horses and heritage chickens.
Steve Duncan shares his passion for birds through aviculture and photography to inspire compassion for birds, both captive and wild. A life-long bird watcher, he raised pigeons at age 11, interned at the International Crane Foundation while earning a BS in biology at California State Polytechnic University, and worked in the retail pet industry for 12 years before founding and operating a commercial bird farm, Avian Resources, since 1988. Steve is an adjunct professor at Mount San Antonio College in the Pet Science program and runs two, third-generation, family businesses. A past-president of the Avicultural Society of America, he is very active on legislative issues affecting the avicultural community, providing testimony to local, state, and federal government agencies.
Mark Dunn is the AKC Senior Vice President of Registration and Customer Development and is Managing Director of AKC Reunite. Mark leads the AKC’s efforts to meet the needs of breeders and dog owners across the United States. He also works with pet industry leaders and international registry organizations to do good things for dogs and the people who love them around the world. Mark joined AKC in 2009 as Director of Internal Consulting. Previously he was Director of Engineering of Engineering and Quality at Eastman Kodak and has over 20 years of experience leading operations, engineering, and business development teams.
Steven Feldman is the Executive Director of the Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI). His love of animals and his curiosity about science led him to HABRI where he gets to explore all of the ways that pets and people are good for each other. Steven is from Washington, DC, and he once worked on Capitol Hill, but don’t hold that against him. Being located in the nation’s capital means that he can share his passion for the human-animal bond, and the science behind it, with policymakers to help strengthen the role of pets in society. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in International Affairs and a Master’s Degree in Political Management from the George Washington University. He has a dog named Scout, and a wife and two children.
Kelly Flannigan, DVM, is a practicing small animal veterinarian who works to provide accurate information about pet health and behavior to both her clients and the wider community of dog fanciers.  An ardent advocate for purebred dogs, she serves on the Dalmatian Club of America Foundation Board of Directors and supervises the health clinics at the Dalmatian Club of America National Specialty show.  Dr. Flannigan trains and shows her Dalmatians with success in the Breed ring, Obedience, Agility, Rally, and Tracking. She is an unapologetic breeder, who strives to produce dogs with excellent temperament, structure, and health, and delights in the bond that forms between a well-matched puppy and owner.
Sheila Goffe is the American Kennel Club’s (AKC’s) Vice President of Government Relations and leads legislative and public policy initiatives, including efforts to promote responsible dog ownership and advocate for public policy that advances the health and wellbeing of all dogs, preserves the legacy and capabilities of purpose-bred dogs, and protects the rights of dog owners. Prior to joining the AKC in 2006, she served on editorial, analytical, and development staff for Congressional Quarterly and the Economist Intelligence Unit. She has also been a legislative staffer and an adjunct professor of political science & comparative politics. Sheila has completed Ph.D. coursework and research in American Politics/Public Policy and obtained multiple Masters degrees in American Politics and International Political Economy and Development. She breeds, owns, and shows Siberian Huskies, and is a member of the Siberian Husky Club of America and several specialty and all-breed kennel clubs.
Marty Greer, DVM, JD, has run the Veterinary Village Small Animal Clinic in Wisconsin since 1982 and International Canine Semen Bank-Wisconsin/Illinois since 2002. She works extensively with clients who breed and compete with their dogs. She frequently lectures on canine reproduction and published “Canine Reproduction and Neonatology”, a book for veterinary professionals and breeders. In 2010, Dr. Greer completed her JD at Marquette University and is involved with Animal Legal Resources, LLC. She has served on the Wisconsin Veterinary Examining Board and AVMA Judicial Council. Dr. Greer is the NAIA Board Chair.
Carolyn Henry, DVM, ACVIM, serves as Dean at the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM). She is a tenured Full Professor with dual appointments in the CVM and the School of Medicine. A graduate of Auburn University, Henry worked in private practice before returning to academia to gain board certification in oncology (1994). Henry was on the faculty at the Washington State University CVM (1994-1997) before relocating to MU as an Assistant Professor. She is past president of both the Veterinary Cancer Society and the ACVIM Specialty of Oncology. Henry has served as Faculty Facilitator for the Mizzou Advantage One Health initiative in the Office of the Provost (2010–2018), Associate Director of Research for the Ellis Fischel [human] Cancer Center (2011–2018) and Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies at the CVM (2013–2017). Her research interests include canine bladder cancer, mammary cancer, osteosarcoma, and comparative medicine.
Angela Hughes, DVM, Ph.D., is the Veterinary Genetics Research Manager at Wisdom Health (formerly Mars Veterinary), where she developed a new analysis to genetically align potential breeding dogs: Optimal Selection™. She is also involved in several canine and feline genetics studies and on-going development of the Wisdom Panel™ tests. Angela completed her DVM, veterinary genetics residency, and Ph.D. in genetics, followed by an associate clinical professor position, all at the University of California, Davis. She has been published in multiple academic publications including JAVMA and PLOS Genetics and contributed chapters in Veterinary Clinics of North America Small Animal Practice: Pediatrics and Large Animal Internal Medicine 5th Ed. Her special interests include small animal and equine genetics and small animal reproduction and pediatrics.
David Mack, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine and Bioengineering, as well as an Investigator in the Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine at the University of Washington.  He has a longstanding interest in how stem cells make cell fate decisions during embryonic development by coordinating their intrinsic genetic program with cues from their surrounding microenvironment. The goal of the Mack laboratory is to apply their understanding of this basic question to the development of stem cell and gene therapy treatments for neuromuscular diseases. David’s expertise is rooted at the intersection of genetics, developmental biology, cancer biology, and biomaterials, which resulted directly from different phases of his professional training.
Michelle Miller, a.k.a. “The Farm Babe,” is an Iowa-based farmer, public speaker, and writer, who lives and works with her boyfriend on their farm, which consists of row crops, beef cattle, and sheep. Michelle believes education is key to bridging the gap between farmers and consumers. Critical of those that marginalize farmers and farming, she has been a powerful voice for agriculture and associated technologies. Michelle is a member of the National Association of Farm Broadcasters, Iowa Agriwomen, and the Iowa Farm Bureau, and a weekly columnist at AGDAILY.com.
Frank Mitloehner, Ph.D., is a Professor and Air Quality Specialist in Cooperative Extension in the Department of Animal Science at the University of California, Davis. He received his MS degree in Animal Science and Agricultural Engineering from the University of Leipzig, Germany, and his Ph.D. in Animal Science from Texas Technical University. Dr. Mitloehner is an expert for agricultural air quality, livestock housing, and husbandry. Overall, he conducts research that is directly relevant to understanding and mitigating of air emissions from livestock operations, as well as the implications of these emissions for the health and safety of farm workers and neighboring communities. Dr. Mitloehner has served as chairman of a global United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) partnership project to benchmark the environmental footprint of livestock production. He served as workgroup member on the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) and as a member of the National Academies of Science Institute of Medicine (IOM) committee on “A Framework for Assessing the Health, Environmental, and Social Effects of the Food System.”
Margaret Poindexter, JD, is an attorney with Stanley & Poindexter, PLLC, and a member of the NAIA Board of Directors. She serves as Chairman and President of the Foundation for Shackleford Horses, Inc., the nonprofit designated as the co-manager, together with the National Park Service, of the herd of wild horses that live on Shackleford Banks in the Cape Lookout National Seashore. Previously, Margaret served as Vice President and General Counsel of the American Kennel Club, with responsibility for its Compliance Division, including the Inspections & Investigations Department, and its Government Relations Division. She is a contributor to Dog News Magazine.

Randy M. Russell is President of The Russell Group, where he has worked since 1986. Born and raised in Virginia, he attended George Mason University, where he was a proud member of the baseball team and did his undergraduate studies in public administration and graduate work in economics. Before joining The Russell Group, he worked in several agricultural policy positions both inside and outside of government. Randy served as Chief of Staff to Secretary of Agriculture John Block and as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Economics. He also was an agricultural aide on Capitol Hill for the Senate Agriculture Committee. He is actively involved in several organizations serving children and youth and is Chairman of the Board for the World Food Program/USA. Randy and his wife, Beth, live in McLean, VA, and have six children. Randy and Beth have a small farm in Round Hill, VA, where they raise alpacas.

Frances O. Smith, DVM, Ph.D., grew up in a military family that bred German Shepherd dogs. It was her early experience with a German Shepherd Dog afflicted with canine hip dysplasia that motivated her to become a veterinarian. In 1984, she completed her Ph.D.,  titled “Cryopreservation of Canine Semen Technique and Performance,” and two years later she became a Diplomate in the American College of Theriogenology. Dr. Smith is one of the few board certified small animal reproduction specialists in private practice in the United States.  A breeder of Labrador Retrievers under the registered kennel name Danikk, she serves on the board of The Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. as the  Vice President and the health committee chair. Dr. Smith also is President of the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, Inc., the foremost animal health genetic database in the world, and a past President of the Minnesota Board of Veterinary Medicine.
Patti Strand is President of NAIA and is a recognized expert and consultant on contemporary animal issues, most notably responsible dog ownership and the animal rights movement. She often appears on radio and television, and her articles on canine issues, animal welfare, public policy, and animal rights have appeared in major U.S. news publications and in trade, professional, and scientific journals. Patti and her husband, Rod, co-authored The Hijacking of the Humane Movement: Animal Extremism in 1993, the first U.S. book exposing the extremism of the animal rights movement. Patti has been a Dalmatian breeder and enthusiast since 1969, is an approved AKC judge, and was a member of the AKC Board of Directors from 1995 through 2011. She holds a degree in political science from Portland State University..

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