President’s Message

Howdy Friends!

Welcome to NAIA’s 32nd annual conference. We’re so happy to be back in the great state of Texas! You might not know this, but NAIA made one of its earliest public appearances here more than thirty years ago, when a lady named Mary Beth Duerler called us to address the inaugural event of a new group she was organizing, Responsible Pet Owners Alliance (RPOA). The sudden onslaught of anti-pet/anti-breeder legislation that appeared in the early 1990’s awakened a passion in her that spurred her to found RPOA and continued until she passed away earlier this year. It is heartening to know that her vision continues in RPOA today – the legacy of a true humanitarian.

Since the beginning, NAIA has worked to bring together the people whose lives revolve around animals. Whether animal professionals or scientists, animal businesses, or animal enthusiasts, they alone possess the love, knowledge, and the unique hands-on expertise to overcome the challenges facing animals and our relationship with them. There is strength in numbers and we know that we can only achieve the success we seek by working together. That is why we formed NAIA as an umbrella group for the movement of individuals and groups fighting for our animals and for the preservation of the human-animal bond. We look forward to working with you to achieve our common goals.

This year, we not only celebrate our beautiful breeds and the special bond we have with them; we are celebrating you, the devoted, hands-on experts whose lives center on animals. Whether training, grooming, breeding, healing, educating, or making sure our animals have the right environments to thrive, you are the ones ensuring they’ll be here for generations to come.

The conference dates are Saturday and Sunday, October 19th and 20th with a reception on Friday night the 18th. The speakers are top tier and the topics of relevance to all animal professionals, advocates, and enthusiasts. The title is a call to action and a reminder that our unique expertise requires us to take leadership: “Animal Experts Unite: Know Your Value – Share Your Knowledge”

See you in Plano!


Patti Strand, NAIA President


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